Cultural Activism Seisiún/ THE TUNING FORK: A Series of Conversations with Cultural Activists Worldwide -- Every Two Weeks @ 4-5:30pm ET
Institute for Cultural Activism International
Connecting Cultural Activists worldwide ~ Accelerating social transformation.
UKRAINE --- with cultural activists live from Ukraine and Russia
Today at 4:00 EST NY Tuning Fork will be broadcast Live from Grace Exhibition Space , presented by the Institute for Cultural Activism International
- follow link below for an announcement by John Halpern on today’s special show featuring women from Ukraine and Russia: file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/22/02/7A4F2A02-A499-463E-A51D-E3BD89216B50/
Episode 33: Special Edition, UKRAINE Tuesday, May 17th, 2022
ICAI is a contact point and creative portal nourishing collaboration and dialogue for experiment and action.
Our series “Cultural Activism Seisiún” are live conversations between the public and both leading and emerging cultural activists and collectives worldwide. “CAS” recordings will remain archived and available on the site for future reference.
As the site grows, an index of cultural activists/m will also grow – international listing of individuals and organizations participating in and contributing to activities that highlight and address global issues through strategic and creative intervention. In addition, we will develop a database of cultural activist history, impact, resources and training courses, as a reference for everyone. Please see our “Resources” page.
ICAI is generating a curriculum that will include activism projects, project training methods (ie: problem analysis and deconstruction), contemplative and meditation courses, and community activist network building. We will offer weekly courses, intensive workshops, special retreats (online and in person), and publications (to be available in diverse media).
Dates and times posted on website beginning September, 2020.
For more information, summer schedule or to contribute to website content, we welcome you to contact the Institute of Cultural Activism International (ICAI)
John Halpern, a New York-based artist/filmmaker, cultural activist and educator.
Emily Harris, a New York-based interdisciplinary artist.
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Grace, n. - simple elegance or refinement of movement
Grace Period - an extended period granted as a special favor
The Three Graces (Greek Mythology) - charm, grace, and beauty
Opened in 2006, Grace Exhibition Space is devoted exclusively to Performance Art. We offer an opportunity to experience visceral and challenging works by the current generation of international performance artists whether emerging, mid-career or established. Our events are presented on the floor, not on a stage, dissolving the boundary between artist and viewer. This is how performance art is meant to be experienced and our mission is the glorification of performance art.
Grace Exhibition Space presents over 30 curated live performance art exhibitions each year, showcasing new work by more than 400 performance artists from across the United States and the world since 2006.
Grace Exhibition Space for International Performance Art Space IRS tax-exempt 501(c)3 status in 2015.
Grace Exhibition Space follows the We Have a Voice Collectives Code of Conduct to Promote Safe(r) Workplaces in the Performing Arts For more information and resources, visit: