Organized by Franklin Furnace, Grace Exhibition Space, Streamside 7, E.A.R.T.H. Lab (Environmental Art, Research, Theory & Happenings, San Francisco), Three Phase Center, and The Interior Beauty Salon.
Join us for part - or the full length - of this 21-hour Zoom endurance broadcast to celebrate Linda Mary Montano’s amazing legacies, teachings, videos and art/life.
During this historic event, performance artists, lifeists and organizations around the Earth will connect online to perform, tell stories related to Linda Mary Montano, remember stories from her times teaching, and watch some of her videos made in collaboration with Tobe Carey (video editor) and Jim Barbaro (sound engineer).
All are more than welcome to share a 1-3 minutes Laugh/Cry, a performance of your choice, read your LOVE LETTERS TO LINDA, or share a “be Linda” re-enactment!!
A fun and easy time will be had by ALL!!
Linda will be present on Zoom for the 21 hours.
This event is FREE & RSVP is required: RSVP HERE
If you are interested in participating during this event, please fill out THIS FORM.
Also, to participate in LOVE LETTERS TO LINDA: A project of the E.A.R.T.H. Lab SF (Environmental Art, Research, Theory & Happenings, San Francisco) - with Annie Sprinkle, Beth Stephens, Jennie Klein, Veronica Vera and Barbara Carrellas,
click HERE.
Montano is a performance artist and her work since the mid 1960s has been critical in the development of video by, for, and about making art in order to heal, understand and celebrate this short life journey. Attempting to dissolve the boundaries between art and life, Montano continues to actively explore her unresolved questions through shared experience, role adoption, and intricate life altering ceremonies, some of which last for seven or more years. Her artwork is starkly autobiographical and often concerned with personal and spiritual transformation.
Montano’s influence is wide ranging — she has been featured at museums including The New Museum in New York, MoMA, MOCA San Francisco, and ICA in London. Montano created 14 YEARS OF LIVING ART: 1984-1998, A 7 Chakra Experience; and ANOTHER 21 YEARS OF LIVING ART 1998-2019: A FREE ONLINE SCHOOL FOR PERFORMANCE EXPERIMENTATION. She has placed over 60 of her videos free on YouTube.
Montano’s websites: Archive / Video Data Bank / Fales Library at NYU / Blog / Youtube Channel
Publications: Linda Mary Montano: You Too Are a Performance Artist / Performance Artists Talking in the Eighties / Midred’s Death / My Last Book (upcoming) / Before and After Art/Life Counseling / 14 Years of Living Art / The Sculpture of Linda Mary Montano / Art in Everyday Life / Letters from Linda Mary Montano / The Art Life Institute Handbook (to download click HERE)
Montano wishes to thank her art-life mentors: Magdalena Kelly / Mildred and Henry Montano / Mother Mary Jane / Mitchell Payne /Shri Brahmananda Saraswati / Kalu Rimpoche / Pauline Oliveros / Lester Ingber / Luba Donskoj / Dr. Aruna Mehta.
Franklin Furnace's mission is to present, preserve, interpret, proselytize and advocate on behalf of avant-garde art, especially forms that may be vulnerable due to institutional neglect, cultural bias, their ephemeral nature, or politically unpopular content. Franklin Furnace is dedicated to serving artists by providing both physical and virtual venues for the presentation of time-based art, including but not limited to artists' books and periodicals, installation art, performance art, and unforeseen contemporary avant-garde artforms; and to undertake other activities related to these purposes. Franklin Furnace is committed to serving emerging artists; to assuming an aggressive pedagogical stance with regard to the value of avant-garde art to life; and to fostering artists' zeal to broadcast ideas. http://www.franklinfurnace.org
Grace Exhibition Space, opened in 2006, is devoted exclusively to Performance Art. We offer an opportunity to experience visceral and challenging works by the current generation of international performance artists whether emerging, mid-career or established. Our events are presented on the floor, not on a stage, dissolving the boundary between artist and viewer. This is how performance art is meant to be experienced and our mission is the glorification of performance art. Grace Exhibition Space presents over 30 curated live performance art exhibitions each year, showcasing new work by more than 400 performance artists from across the United States and the world since 2006. https://www.grace-exhibition-space.com
Streamside 7 is an incubator space for building community through the arts by developing relationships with self/other, material/process, and by organizing and hosting workshops, residencies, performances and events. Working collaboratively, blurring the boundaries between art and life, and encouraging participation creates an atmosphere in which everyone can become an empowered agent of personal, social, and ecological transformation. Streamside 7 honors our wisdom keepers, the natural world and acknowledges we gather on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Munsee Lenape people. https://www.streamside7.com
E.A.R.T.H. Lab (Environmental Art, Research, Theory & Happenings, San Francisco)
E.A.R.T.H. Lab (Environmental Art, Research, Theory & Happenings, San Francisco) builds community by creating multidisciplinary art projects that envision the Earth and all of its beings with fresh eyes. Our organization questions and expands prevailing notions of environmental art, challenges the mainstream’s binary concepts of gender, sexuality, and race, incorporates inclusive, diverse, and imaginative possibilities for sustainable living. Our art and archival projects promote love, tolerance, and peace. https://www.earthlabsf.org
Three Phase Center is a space for organizing and presenting art projects and perception building situations that stimulate the type of community and dialogue that generate new perceptions, possibilities, and outcomes. Located in Stone Ridge, NY Three Phase Center is a place to articulate with information derived from experimental approaches of any sort including process-based projects, performance art, sculpture, video, photography, or sound and is dedicated to reframing the utility of art practices that aim to sort and solve problems of language and perception. Three Phase Center is a Woman-led organization. https://www.threephasecenter.com
The Interior Beauty Salon is an organism living at the intersection of creativity and healing, serving as a space where that which is not necessarily seen or manifested in tangible ways, is seeded, nurtured and given room to grow safely. This includes processes melding art, ritual, ceremony, rites of passage, and consciousness. Now in its second year, The Salon hosts an expanding online archive of interviews, videos, and all of its engagements with visionaries in a diverse number of creative fields and unprescribed ways of being and approaching life. https://www.interiorbeautysalon.com
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Grace, n. - simple elegance or refinement of movement
Grace Period - an extended period granted as a special favor
The Three Graces (Greek Mythology) - charm, grace, and beauty
Opened in 2006, Grace Exhibition Space is devoted exclusively to Performance Art. We offer an opportunity to experience visceral and challenging works by the current generation of international performance artists whether emerging, mid-career or established. Our events are presented on the floor, not on a stage, dissolving the boundary between artist and viewer. This is how performance art is meant to be experienced and our mission is the glorification of performance art.
Grace Exhibition Space presents over 30 curated live performance art exhibitions each year, showcasing new work by more than 400 performance artists from across the United States and the world since 2006.
Grace Exhibition Space for International Performance Art Space IRS tax-exempt 501(c)3 status in 2015.
Grace Exhibition Space follows the We Have a Voice Collectives Code of Conduct to Promote Safe(r) Workplaces in the Performing Arts For more information and resources, visit: www.wehavevoice.org