PERFORMANCE HEART at GRACE EXHIBITION SPACE! Featuring Performances by Allison Brainard, 2Shea, Ouija, and The Coccoon Project.
Allison Brainard
is an artist working mainly in performance and sometimes in video. She has been focusing on developing a process of structured improvisation that allows for performers to make independent choices within a given set of parameters. She is looking for collaborators and you should email her.
Alison Brainard:Ouija
Ouija began life as a normal Floridian earthling until her parents bartered her off to an alien hive mind (based out of Brooklyn, NY) for scientific research where they taught her how to knit beer koozies and grow hallucinogens. She managed to escape the mothership and joined the Non Grata performance collective and is now a professional slacker.
Normally found in the tropical region of Florida. Unknown origin. Member of the Non Grata performance collective. Member of Thank you, Illegal Trouble, Young Rectums. Performed in NYC, Brooklyn, Florida. Fond of pizza, palm trees, and DMT.
The Coccoon Project
is a collaborative art endeavor that documents and performs the hand-crafted Cocoons with dancers, video projections, sound and music in site-specific performance-installations. CocoonNYC was created by Sherry Aliberti, an architect and performance artist based in New York City.The Cocoon Project creates interactive performance art and colorful temporary installations with the Cocoon. Performers use gestures, poses and noises to express ideas about form, shape and movement in space and memory. Utilizing sound, projections and fragrances, the experience is different every time. Influenced by Martha Graham and Ernesto Neto a fabric enclosure provides freedom for the performer/muse to become a morphing sculpture. Structurally, these postures represent a scale model of an architecture and materiality based on the forces of the body.
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Grace, n. - simple elegance or refinement of movement
Grace Period - an extended period granted as a special favor
The Three Graces (Greek Mythology) - charm, grace, and beauty
Opened in 2006, Grace Exhibition Space is devoted exclusively to Performance Art. We offer an opportunity to experience visceral and challenging works by the current generation of international performance artists whether emerging, mid-career or established. Our events are presented on the floor, not on a stage, dissolving the boundary between artist and viewer. This is how performance art is meant to be experienced and our mission is the glorification of performance art.
Grace Exhibition Space presents over 30 curated live performance art exhibitions each year, showcasing new work by more than 400 performance artists from across the United States and the world since 2006.
Grace Exhibition Space for International Performance Art Space IRS tax-exempt 501(c)3 status in 2015.
Grace Exhibition Space follows the We Have a Voice Collectives Code of Conduct to Promote Safe(r) Workplaces in the Performing Arts For more information and resources, visit: